Havok Magazine features my new flash fiction!

I’m honored to have my flash fiction “The Monster in Her Bedroom” published in Havok, the new speculative fiction imprint of Splickety Magazine!

The festivities started Friday with a Facebook launch party and continue tomorrow with the digital publication of the debut issue (Jan. 20, 2014). Stay tuned for information on the print edition. Visit Splickety for information on subscribing or buying a single issue of Havok 1.1.

The rough draft was magic. It took only 45 minutes to write. After revisions, I submitted it to the Grey Sparrow Journal flash fiction contest, which I heard about through Northern Colorado Writers‘ monthly newsletter. The story won an Honorable Mention! My first fiction award.

I spent the next year or so tinkering with the story. I knew it needed a new ending. After helpful critiques from writing buddies and my critique groups (thank you, Raintree Writers and FRCFW), I revised it many times. I finally submitted it to Splickety, thanks to a suggestion by author Amanda Cabot. I heard from an editor within a few hours. O joyful day!

I couldn’t have done all this without my writing buddies, whom I met through my membership in a great writing organization. If you’re a writer, find a critique group. You’ll make lasting friendships, gain knowledge, and make valuable connections. I’m grateful to be part of a supportive writing community.

Katherine Valdez is the author of “The Effect of Andrew McCarthy on the Female Brain” and “Little Red Riding Hood Seeks Vengeance.” Subscribe to her blog at www.KatValdezWriter.wordpress.com/blog and like her page atwww.facebook.com/AuthorKatherineValdez.


  1. Congratulations Katherine, What a wonderful boost of encouragement to keep writing:) Keep us posted on the next honor! Sharon ________________________________________

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